Thursday, July 17, 2008 what you say about society

Hi! Um, I had a lot of stuff to say about civility and science and, um, whatever, but right now I am genetically required to sit here and grin like a maniac 'cause Colbert has Rush on for their first TV appearance since before the earth cooled. (Though I cannot surpass Colbert's expression at the prospect of being on the tour t-shirt.) I hope this means our black-haired boy can take down the "President Bush have a hotdog with me" thing in the opening, because this is in every possible way an infinitely cooler get. But don't take my nerdtastic word for it, early-to-bed people...


MC said...

When I first heard about this, I thought Stephen Colbert was going to take Limbaugh apart in an interview.

mfheadcase said...

mc: That would be even better... Even though THAT Rush is one i don't want to hear from nearly as often.

AG said...

And if Rush L. starts singing I swear I'll pull off my ears. But yeah, I'd totally watch that interview... and cope with the inevitable disillusionment when Our Hero wussed out. (I know, O Me Of Little Faith.) MFH, you are looking particularly, um, intent in that photo...

mfheadcase said...

Heh, was just mucking about with an in phone camera, strange lighting and a copy of the Gimp, if i hadn't cropped out the rest of my face and had the lighting not been mostly from behind, it might have been more clear that i was amused at myself...

the fat conservative Rush singing might almost be funny... and an American Idol rejects sort of way... Though then again American idol, especially the broadcasting of the rejects, is one of the reasons i watch so little TV.

MC said...

There isn't enough Oxycotin in the world to make the possibility of the bloated body of Rush L making an attempt at producing soothing vocal noises to musical accompaniment palatable.

mfheadcase said...

Palatable? Hell no... Amusing? Probably, especially if he is the sort to belt it out like he has talent and skill... while not possessing either.

Think Karaoke on a 2 shot for $1 night. near a school for the terminally tone deaf.

Horrible, psychologically scarring, possibly even leading to self mutilation... but still amusing in a twisted way...

(heh, imagine if someone comes up with evidence that the fuckwit actually can sing... won't our faces be red?)