Friday, September 5, 2008

The fragile flowers of ROCK!!!!!

The news ain't news -- I can't imagine how anyone's surprised by the study indicating that the music you like says a good bit about your personality. (Captain Obvious gets his groove on. Sheesh.) But the BBC writeup has one perfect quote from Professor Adrian North of Heriot-Watt University:

"The general public has held a stereotype of heavy metal fans being suicidally depressed and of being a danger to themselves and society in general. But they are quite delicate things."

Hear that, ya damn emo kids? Metalheads are SENSITIVE TOO. Just takes less eyeliner the way they do it. The chart at the bottom of the writeup is choice, though I call shenanigans on dance, indie, and the lack of Frank Sinatra. (I'll give youse outgoing, ya bums.)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A sense of perspective (you're welcome!)

Um. Oh. Crap. Well, I suppose it does put tonight's GOP speeches into perspective; the tone may be petty, fearful and bigoted (Jews for Jesus, lady? reals?), but those people won't be around forever. (Yes, we must take our solace where we might, or at least where we find ourselves 'til the debates start and Smilin' Joe rips the ass outta Clairol's Caribou Cupcake.)

Don't get it and not sure I want to ask

Christian Bale, I get that. Kermit the Frog, I get that. What I don't get is pretty much everything else about this exhaustive comparison, other than that Google Image Search is the bestest procrastination tool ever, and that someone named Ferdalump has a thing re Bale, or Kermie, or both, or more spare time than I have ever had in my life. But isn't the world just made that much better by the creative efforts of obsessives?

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The fruit-shaped elephant in the room

I love Scott McCloud's work (is there someone who doesn't?) and really like how he breaks down the thinking that went into Google Chrome. (Hint to anyone else who uses the conventions of comic books to explain Javascript's strengths and weaknesses in the future: You don't have to include Peanut Butter Jelly Time as Mr. McCloud did, but everyone will like you more if you do.)

But the more I read the more I think it's going to be a long freakin' time before we Mac folk get, um, shiny. Nevermind that Google today -- today, Wednesday 3 Sept -- is so flaky I'm having trouble getting Blogger to cope with this post. This is about the amount of vetting that seems to have gone into making sure stuff works just on the PC side. This is the Web we're talking about, where an entire site can be Mac-useless because the business model they're paid by includes a deal with Microsoft (I'm looking at you, Qwest).

If the Chrome folk really are doing significant vetting of even just the most-trafficked sites, there's a significant subset of those sites that they'll have to revisit for Mac purposes. And how much longer does that put off Chrome for Mac? Not that I don't trust Google to do the work -- if there's one thing we know about Google it's that they're good at taking the long view on such things -- but jeez, it would have been nice to have gone public-beta with a littl emore of the public in mind.

Jerry Reed, 1937-2008

Aw dammit. An amazing, freaky guitarist and a unique character by all accounts. One of my dad's favorite musician / actors, too.