Thursday, February 5, 2009
In which I ramble on hoarsely for an hour
(I, on the other hand, expect to enjoy myself just fine; after all, I'm gonna have the cold whether I'm inflicting it on the rest of the Internet or not. Sharing is caring!)
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
1... 2...
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
From the That'll Larn 'Em! department...
Rose jam is one of the most delicious things ever and, aside from artichokes, one of the few opportunities we have of demonstrating our superiority over flowers by eating them.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Your moment of zen, 2008
"The biggest lie is the idea that we are entitled to a meaningful and coherent summarizing, a conclusion, of something which never concludes. In that regard, this is the lie I'm telling myself so I don't set fire to anything."
Every day it really does take learning all over again how to fucking live.
Friday, December 19, 2008
1... 2...
(And I am very glad, as we are re, that Miss Lena Horne is not currently our #3. Dammit, EW, don't scare me like that.)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Having fun all wrong, or by proxy anyway
I just spent the greatest communal celebration of my adult life sitting in a dirty apartment while one of my hosts threw up and the other played computer solitaire and asked why anybody gave a damn about politics. Other than the Obama-winning, Libby Dole-smashing, South-Dakota's-actually-sane-re-women's-health-revealing parts I'm feeling rather fucking sorry for myself tonight. On the other end of the country, OTOH, there was much fun to be had, as demonstrated by my friend Jon and his sunroof:

This image of revelry brought to you by The Stranger, to whose cranky news reporter I say fuck you, you don't know what exile is.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I like to live in America!
Courtesy of the wonderful Cagle Post, an editorial cartoon from Thailand that I'd love to have as a poster. Have you voted yet, friends?
Friday, October 31, 2008
1... 2...
As with Paul Newman, Studs Terkel should have at least gotten a pass 'til Wednesday -- both of them, I think would want to see how this campaign ends. And so let us all hope fervently that whoever the "3" in this trilogy might be, that s/he waits at least a little while before completing the cycle.
(ETA ...and that's three. Oh dammit. Oh dammit, that was so what I was hoping would NOT happen.)
Monday, October 27, 2008
Who? Wait, there's a blog here?!

Yeah, very quiet; thoughts on that when I get my feet back under me. (I love the new gig but the pace is something else, and then there are all these bookshelves I need to finish building. The most-used fixture in the new house appears to be the Time Sink. Does the kitchen in the TARDIS have a Time Sink? I digress.) But I needed to tell someone that I need to have the entire Particle Zoo (and its Antimatter Annex) shipped to me immediately. That is all. (HT to Book of Joe.)
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Why I still love my poor dead bank

HT to ChangeOrder, via Gawker.