Thursday, July 31, 2008

H20h wow

And on the semi-official last day of my connection to USA Today and the Tech_Space / Science Fair legacy (yeah, I have stuff to say about that, but not today), we have confirmation of water on Mars. The universe sends me off with a bang...


MC said...

I had noticed you were... surprisingly quiet over in the gym the last little while.

AG said...

Yeah. I wasn't joking about the extraordinary burnout, I really wasn't. And then you know the financial situation most publishing companies are in... ah, but more anon. It's all good stuff!

mfheadcase said...

Heh, on the surface it seems strange, quitting a paying blogging gig due to burn out, and still doing a blogging gig with no obvious revenue source.

Of course just below the surface it makes sense... the paying gigs usually come with all sorts of outside control, the nanny filter likely being the least odious.

Jana said...

Well we miss the hell out of you over there - but I'm happy to have found you eventually. Not sure if that makes me a stalker or not......;-)

MC said...

Well, I think the fact that the address to this place is Angela's name makes you much less of a stalker ;)

AG said...

MFH: You. Have. No. Idea. I may not have this blog remotely on track yet, but I *have* stopped grinding my teeth so hard I wear down my fillings. Matthew, keeper of the Blogger Burnout Advisory System, was gonna have to add a sixth level: infrared.

Meanwhile -- JANA! HELLO! So glad you found me, and no, not stalkery. I may not miss the grind (or the grinding), but I sure miss some of the people, and you're in that category...

MC said...

Nah, I think level 6 would be something like Supernova, Neutron Star or Thermonuclear explosion.