Monday, May 19, 2008

All in your perspective, I suppose

My fondness for Woot extends to actually reading the blog now and then. My obsession with Woot extends to reading that they're painfully overstocked on those cute little Sandisk Sansa "Li'l Monsta" players -- don't look at me, pal, I have two so far -- and saying "yeah, I saw that coming when they offered a free coupon code with one a few weeks back." Nerdity is useless knowledge plus inappropriate smugness, I guess. A shame they didn't find their market; I really like mine, and they're extremely well-built for use at the gym, unlike my iPod. And they have a tactile-feedback interface, something I fear we're losing in the nobody-but-me-apparently-has-smudgy-fingers 21st century.

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